Notation pads and score books are available in various sizes:
- soft cover notation pads of 20 games 50 moves each.
- soft cover notation booklets of 50 games 84 moves each.
- hard cover notation score books of 100 games 80 moves each.
The functions of chess notation pads and notation score books
- to record both players’ moves during a chess game.
- to keep your games organised.
- to assist officials and arbiters to make an informed decision in the case of a dispute during a game.
PS: The notation pad or notation score book should be placed comfortably next to your chess board when notating (large notation pads and score books at tables that are too small to notate on makes it difficult to properly notate your moves!).
Notating is a special way of writing to track a player’s moves and enables a player to read and study (analyse) a game.
- A chess set in every classroom in every school in every community!